
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Update on KJ: We finally recieved some good news

The past 9 months have been a roller coaster in terms of KatieJoy's medical situation. We weren't sure if we would see any improvements in her post surgery, they were concerned that she wouldn't even survive the surgery and if she did that it may not improve her 02 levels.

Well, God had different plans... We went for our post op follow up and to our surprise her 02 is at 89% which is a huge change from her 77% .Not only did it improve but it has improved much faster than expected, it typically takes about 8 weeks to see results and she is about a month out from surgery.

Our cardiologist is suspecting that her lung pressures have decreased as well and that if this is truly the case she could become eligible for the Fontan surgery that she needs.

He expressed his team's surprise that she survived, he said that they werent sure that she would and that she has showed them that she is a fighter:) ( I could have told them that)

He also is hopeful that her lungs are seeing some improvememt.

Basically he said that this is very much a miracle and that he feels very encouraged by all of this.

So what's next?

We will go to Houston in September and get a plan from them. My hope is to continue using our cardiologist here but using the team in Houston for surgery and possibly transplant in the future. We are hopeful that she could possibly have the surgery she needs in the next year or so and we are placing it in the Lord's hands and trusting Him with the outcome.

We are so thankful for all He has done and is doing in her life.

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