
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

KatieJoy's Surgery

Today LouAnn and I met with the doctor that will be doing KatieJoy's surgery. It wasn't the news we were wanting to hear but we are trusting in the Lord and His ability to heal and to make things new. Here's what we were hoping for:

1. A closed heart surgery ( repair the Glenn she had done)

2. One year later for her to have the Fontan surgery

Unfortunately, this is not the case. She will still be having the repair but he will be doing it as an open heart surgery in order to see if she has a viable second chamber. Also, she is not a candidate for the Fontan due to high lung pressures.

WE ARE ASKING GOD FOR A MIRACLE!!! And we would covet your prayers. If she does have a viable second chamber then the doctor will eventually be able to do another surgery that will really help her.

If she doesn't then we are looking at some other options that are simply just band-aids and are not good long term solutions.

Her surgery is scheduled for July 16th so please be in prayer for her and for the doctor. Please ask God to work a miracle in her life.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Our New Homeschool "Normal"

Since we brought home our newest addition to our family we have definitely had to find a new "normal". Between bonding, attachment, and the myriad of doctors' visits we have still had to find a way to get all of our school work done. The one thing that has seriously been a life-saver is the ability to switch my teaching days around. And the number one helper is my Homeschooling Family Day Planner, this planner makes it extremely easy to plan out my teaching schedule, keep everything organized, and move things around when I need to without missing things. The planner I use is available at Mardel Christian Stores but you can get this one on Amazon and it will work as well.

So here's what it looks like:

Mondays (Teaching Days)

Any lessons throughout the week that would require a "teaching" or "parent led" portion (for my older children), I do all of this on Monday. All of this makes Monday's a super busy home school day so I try really hard not to schedule anything else on this day. This is also the day we do any big projects or enrichment. For example, we made our edible cells for Anatomy & Physiology on "teaching day".

This is a great day for my younger ones to do any art projects or busy work.

Tues -Thurs.- The older children work independently these days which gives me an opportunity to work one-on-one with my Kindergartner and 1st grader. This method has really enabled my older two (3rd & 4th graders) to work on managing their day.

Friday - Co-op Day

This very simple change has transformed our new "normal" and has allowed Momma to keep her sanity;) This may not work for everyone, but that is the beauty of homeschooling, it enables us the creativity to find what works:)