
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Homeschooling Part 2

Curriculum ....Why is that such a scary word?  Well, probably because there are so many choices. So here is a rundown of what we use....

Every kid in our house around the age of 4 starts off using one of my favorite books ..

(this one has been "decorated")
Then they move on to the Handwriting Without Tears. These are fun and cheap books:)

Then we begin using Veritas Press... which I can't say enough about, it is an amazing classical curriculum and we have used it since kindergarten. I love how Christ-centered it is and we have ALL ( yes that means momma too!) learned so much about the Word of God from this incredible curriculum.

The curriculum has an a wonderful feature that I personally can't live without and that is the Scripted Lesson Plan. This is optional, but this scattered brained momma' needs the organization:). 

So here is how it is laid out..

Bible- Study and memorize 32 biblical events in order. The curriculum comes with a song and cards that aid in the study of these events. This is how we utilize ours:

History- Study and memorize events in order, as well as reading historical literature that aides in the understanding of history.The curriculum also comes with a song and cards.

Latin- Don't let this scare you! It is done with the aide of a video and online resources. This is a great opportunity for momma to expand her brain:)

Grammer- Shirley English 

Spelling- This is such a great spelling program...this is actually my son's favorite part of our school day:)

Writing- Very well worth the money...this is not easy to teach, but many believe, and I agree, that IEW is one of the best writing programs available. One of it's coolest features is the availability of local certified instructors that are able to help you along the way.

Literature: This consists of several great books throughout the year and comprehension guides that are really fun and also fairly inexpensive. For instance my 3rd grader is reading Alice and Wonderland  and one of the things that we get to do next week is make hats and have a Mad Hatter's tea party... so we are going to bust out with the china and fancy tea cups and have ourselves some fun!

Math-The curriculum recommends Saxon Math but we have changed things up a bit. I have one that does Saxon and two that use Math-U-See.  This is the beauty of homeschooling, you can tailor it to fit your childrens' different learning styles.

Science- This is not part of Veritas Press, at my kids' age, but it's something that we truly enjoy doing.

There is also a  wonderful phonics program that is part of the kindergarten and 1st gradeVeritas Press curriculum.

We also do catechisms, biographies on missionaries, and anything else that interest the kids!

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