
Thursday, May 17, 2012

It's not too late...

It's not too late to join blessed beyond a doubt 's 5 Days of Intentional Quiet Time..... I have been truly challenged this week to be more diligent about my time with God and have been so blessed by her words of encouragement ...

Sunday, May 13, 2012

 A Rogers' Tradition

Each year for Mother's Day my husband does pictures of the kids for me and each year I treasure their little smiling faces and the changes that have taken place from the previous year..... But this year is different...This year I AM OVERWHELMED with the grace that God has shown in the life of our family. This year instead of 6 eyes gazing into the camera God has given me 8 and instead of 3 little people shouting mommy God has given me 4. This year God has given me a "new" child...a child that now makes eye contact...a child that now says mommy (and about 100 more words) a child that is now able to look me in the eyes and say " I lobe ou, mommy"! 

And all I CAN DO is praise HIM..

In Honor Of Our Mother..

"Strength and dignity are her clothing and she laughs at the time to come.' Prov.31:25

When my brothers and I see this verse we all think about our mother. This verse is so much a part of who she is and of the woman that I hope to become.

This is written to you mom from the boys and I....

Strength and dignity are her clothing....
  • even when you are chasing the boys with a broom because they wouldn't stop fighting...(and all we did was laugh)
  • even when you try soooo very hard to play "Wii Dance" and it just never works out for you...remember you are a Baptist preacher's wife and
  • even when you set the clock 7 minutes fast....and your still late
  • even when you try way too hard to dance and it never turns out well...oh did I mention that already?
  • BUT especially when you showed us the value of sacrificing for your family
  • especially when you showed us the value of servant hood and submission as you daily served our father..never realizing the impact that this has had on our marriages
  • especially when we see your gift of mercy and grace
  • especially when you are always there to listen
  • especially when you wear strength and dignity as if it is your most comfortable pair of jeans because it is so much a part of who you are...

...and she laughs at the time to come

We are so thankful to the Lord that this is who you are. You are a woman that can face a problem with strength but more importantly with peace: knowing how big God is....

We are so blessed by you and so thankful that not only are you a beautiful mother but you are also our friend. We love you and we wish we could be there with you...


"Her children rise up and call her blessed.." Prov.31:28