
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Idolatry In The Christian Home

The title of this blog sounds like an oxymoron and it is as it sounds. But it is a struggle nonetheless. Through a variety of circumstances this week the Lord has opened my eyes to something very real that is often so prevalent in the Christian home. What a struggle it is to balance the life of who you are with what you are.

I am first and foremost a child of God, washed in the blood of the Lamb, reconciled to to the Father by the Great High Priest, Jesus Christ. However, what I do, on a daily basis, is clean, cook, wash and fold clothes, teach grammar, phonics, and any other subject that a kindergartner and first grader might encounter.  I am a wife and a mom. The problem here is that sometimes I put the "what I do" before the "who I am." As wives and mothers it is so easy to worship those we serve instead of the One who we were created to serve. The difficult thing is that there is no compromise, there should be no balancing.

When we put our calling above the One who calls then we are no better than the idolatrous Israelites of the Old Testament that we are so quick to condemn . As homemakers with the demands of life all around us, how do we make Christ the center of our lives? How do we fix our eyes on Jesus without neglecting our calling as keepers of our homes? As fellow believers we are to encourage each other and lift one another up...please, as the Lord leads, I, as well as others that follow this blog, would appreciate any thoughts  that you may have in this area...

How do we combat this?  Is this something that you struggle with?  For too long I have suffered in silence, not wanting to admit with my mouth what I have known to be true in the depths of my heart. 

Sincerely, I would love is this dealt with? 

"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17

For God's Glory!!!

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